Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Valentine Snowfall

Christmas "2012"

We usually start our Christmas morning with, cinnamon rolls, sticky buns or caramel rolls. Caramel rolls were our choice for this year and boy were they delicious. We then all sit down and Papa Corkey reads the Christmas story but this year we had three little 2 year olds in the mix so just a story would not do. So Amiya, Emma and Easton decided to do a game show with questions about the Christmas story. Amiya was the host and quickly called for volunteers and announced the names of Emma, Easton, and Josh. Josh is always such a good sport and id not let us down this time either. They did a really good job with such questions as, "Who wanted to kill baby Jesus?" Santa, King Herod or Frosty the Snowman and "Where was Jesus born?" in an Inn, at the Motel 6 or in a Stable. The older cousins did a great job and may have to help out every year from now on.

Ezekiel Bridger Roberson many years ago.